Tesla improves its mobile application, what’s new?

Tesla improves its mobile application, what's new?

The company You’re here has begun to update the application that the owners of some of their cars have on their phones to keep track of everything that happens to this. In it, some important improvements have been included, such as those that have to do with notifications or control of statistics.

The new version of the app we are talking about is the 4.6 and, if you don’t have it, you can download it from the corresponding app store (it’s available for both iOS and Android). It is important to mention that the company has indicated that the deployment is global and is available in all regions where Tesla operates.

Interactive notifications arrive

What is allowed from now on is that some of the notifications that come from the application can be manipulated to perform actions, without the need to enter the application at all. An example of what we say is that when it is notified that the desired temperature has been reached in the car, directly from the message it is possible to indicate that the air conditioning should stop.

– More new strings (Charging survey added?)- Payment related strings added, not shown as they are extremely minor pic.twitter.com/On9cTDj3mR

— Tesla App Updates (iOS) (@Tesla_App_iOS) February 17, 2022

It is even possible to do the same in the charging status notification. Now, simply by clicking on the corresponding section, it is possible to stop the process and start it again in case you need it for some reason. The truth is that this new function is very useful and users will surely appreciate it, since over time there will be more associated possibilities.

Tesla improves statistics

This is something that allows you to generate a historical of the charges that have been made in the Tesla car. Thus, it will be possible to know from the places where each and every one of them was carried out, the number of sessions and even the total energy consumed in each process (it is possible to modify the cost of the electricity rate of the place where it is so that, in this way, the information is accurate). Ideal this for know even the savings compared to what everything would have cost with a traditional vehicle.

Data in the Tesla mobile app

Other improvements have to do with access to the company’s offers in its services, something that can be done comfortably from the app. And even those who have contracted insurance with Tesla itself will be able to give apart without having to do anything other than use the new version of the application. They are not vital improvements, true, but they are quite useful and I am sure that everyone will appreciate the new options.

— to voonze.com

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